My Perspective on Astrology

AstroVolution: The Spiral Path of Self Discovery

AstroVolution as a title was one of those rare epiphanies that seem to come from nowhere, and at the perfect time – just as I started this blog. The prefix “Astro” is fairly obvious as this blog pertains to astrology, and the suffix “Volition”, while for many may bring to mind it’s similarity to the word “evolution”, as an adjective refers to moving in a spiral motion.

It also shares its origin as a word with Volutidae, the species of tropical marine gastropods which have shells that grow in a spiral formation as they increase in size. As such, AstroVolution is an appropriate title to express my current understanding of astrology!

Everything in the world of the manifest is truly cyclic in nature, and astrology is truly one of the most effective, and time tested tools for exploring the process by which all things move from the unmanifest to the manifest!

Still, some may find it odd that, while I profess to be an “astrologer” or one who studies and apply the cycles of the cosmos the matters of this world; I have come to the opinion that astrology itself is an illusion!

While it is a valuable tool of analysis of the matrix from which all things emerge from the one source, astrology itself is part of the part of the manifest world, and therefore, part of the illusion!

Still, whilst many well intended astrologer have wielded the vast wisdom found within the language of the cosmos to pander the egoic pursuits of those looking for some sort of external validation of who they are – astrology does, when properly understood, provide the necessary insights that lead to awakening!

It is the egoic mind – who loves to analysis, compare, and label – that turns astrology into a means to an end, whether it is further supplementing the ego’s delusion of who they are, and why they are special, when will I finally find my purpose, or find happiness!

Our Seperation for the Divine, the One is the real illusion, allbeit a necessary one to create this “space time” illusion necessary for the adventure of consciousness we’ve choose to embark on!

We all came here with an initiate “knowing” that we are divine expressions of the whole, but somehow loose this connection as we get caught up in the game! Slowly we become “conditioned” by family, society, and other game players that are also lost in the illusion of separateness.

As it was put so well by Poet and Novelist Don Williams in his often quoted words “The road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same. Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination.”

Pure astrology, I believe, makes no judgments of who or what is better or worse, suggests no path or course; but instead is a pointer to the authentic self that flows from source, which once discovered naturally finds it’s expression in the world. It is this expression of the authentic self, flowing from the unmanifest, the source – call it what you will, that is our manifest destiny.

The loss of this connection may well be this awareness being expressed in the biblical verse “What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done; there is nothing new under the sun” Ecclesiastes 1:9.

When we become complete lost in the illusionary world “under the sun” that has become manifest around us, we become lost in the forgetfulness of who we are, and wonder lost in a dream that seems to repeat over and over again.

As astrologers, it is in understanding how the cycles and indication in the chart are being expressed consciously, or unconsciously by an individually that we can begin to moving beyond the illusion, and become the witnessing presence of how divinity is expressing itself through them.

It is when astrology permits us to provide a glimpse of who our clients are beyond the world of form that we began to find its try value as a tool for awakening. The universe is always “perfect”, and both chaos and coincidence are only illusions created out of our limited perspectives!

Every choice made, even those that may be experienced as suffering, or seem unwanted, is always moving us towards our ultimate goal, self realization!

By take them beyond the frustrations created by the circumstance and situations that they often come to understand, and help them witness the perfection that they truly are as expressions of the divine that we start to see the end of their suffering.

“You are here to enable the divine purpose of the universe to unfold. That is how important you are!” – Eckhart Toll

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